Parent and Me Classes

Come explore together.

Parent and Me Classes

Come explore together.

Toddler playing outdoors during a Parent and Me class

Our Parent and Me program offers a rich and supportive learning environment for infants and toddlers, ages 4-24 months. Participants are involved in circle time, group activities including songs, playing instruments, dramatic play, puppets, bubbles, and group discussions.

Classes are designed to assist children and caretakers in developing sign language, sensory exploration, and muscle coordination. Social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth is fostered through a balanced, developmentally based program. The best part is you can be there to enjoy your little one laugh, tumble, and engage while we provide a setting for them to grow!

Conversations and information are centered around parent questions, concerns, and interests, such as: positive responses to challenging behavior, language development and how to support it, developmental stages of play, and more.

Mixed age groups: Child development researchers have known for a long time that the organic, family-style environment of mixed-age classes is the best way for young children to learn. In our 0-2 years classes, the older children love to show what they know, and the younger ones love to watch and imitate. The relaxed, no-pressure environment let children learn at their own pace.

Infants playing in a rich learning environment during a Parent and Me class

Music exploration at an early age helps young children express themselves. They can bounce, sway, and move in response to the sounds they hear. Songs allow them a space to laugh, repeat words, and learn new vocabulary, resulting in naturally enhancing language skills. Music also builds auditory skills, helps to develop a sense of rhythm and increases self-confidence, among other things!

Outside time and sensory experiences: Children have the opportunity to refine gross motor skills and use their senses as they explore the world around them.

Circle and movement activities assist in the development of spatial and visual awareness, and aids in physical development and coordination.

An infant exploring in her Early Childhood Education Infant classroom

Program Highlights

  • Conversations and information are centered around parent questions, concerns, and interests:
    • Positive responses to challenging behavior
    • Language development and how to support it
    • Developmental stages of play and more
  • Mixed age groups in classes for 0-2 years:

    • Organic, family-style environment promotes optimal learning for young children
    • Older children show what they know, younger ones watch and imitate
    • Relaxed, no-pressure atmosphere allows children to learn at their own pace
  • Music exploration at an early age:

    • Helps young children express themselves through movement
    • Allows space for laughter, word repetition, and vocabulary learning
    • Naturally enhances language skills and builds auditory abilities
    • Develops a sense of rhythm and increases self-confidence
  • Outside time and sensory experiences:
    • Children refine gross motor skills and explore using their senses
  • Circle and movement activities for development:

    • Foster spatial and visual awareness
    • Aid in physical development, balance, and coordination